Monday, March 4, 2024

I am the very model of an Ironsworn protagonist

 (to the tune of "Modern Major General")

I am the very model of an Ironsworn protagonist

I've chosen very carefully three assets from the asset list

My stat array is Challenging, my background vow is TBD

And each one of my starting bonds was rolled up very randomly

I'm very well acquainted, too, with challenge dice and action rolls

I'm hoping to do battle with some elder beasts and ugly trolls

And when I swore my starting vow, of course I rolled a match and missed

I am the very model of an Ironsworn protagonist!

I am the very model of an Ironsworn protagonist

I've got a case of OCD, or so says my psychiatrist

'cause every little thing I do I turn into a solemn vow

Because for getting sweet XP the rulebook says that that is how

A journey merely Troublesome will likely give me angry fits

Because I thought it harmless to select a stat of one in Wits

With every miss I introduce a side-quest worthy epic twist

I am the very model of an Ironsworn protagonist!

In fact, when I know what is meant by "making camp" and "sojourning"

When I know how to Pay The Price without a resource track draining

When I can Reach A Milestone without getting completely lost

When I remember momentum's a valid way to pay a cost

When I can run a combat without ever really losing track

Of when I lose initiative and when I'm supposed to get it back

In short, when I have read the rules, and well, I think you get the gist

You'll say that I'm a better model Ironsworn protagonist!

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